The Complete Collection of Reprinted Documents of Okayama Orphanage
《編集復刻版》 好評刊行中!
本資料集成は、「機関誌編」として、1896年に創刊された孤児院の機関誌『岡山孤児院新報』全号と、その前身誌にあたる『岡山孤児院月報』『岡山基督教』、そして『岡山孤児院年報』、英文の『Asylum Record』誌を復刻し、岡山孤児院という奇跡ともいえる大事業の足跡を辿る。
〔第1回配本〕2014年6月刊行済み 定価50,000円+税(税込55,000円) ISBN978-4-905421-57-3
第1巻 『岡山孤児院月報』第1号~第8号(1893年8月~94年5月)
英文機関誌『ASYLUM RECORD』3冊(1902年3月~03年12月)
第2巻 『岡山孤児院新報』第28号~第62号(1899~1901年)
〔第2回配本〕2014年12月刊行済み 定価75,000円+税(税込82,500円) ISBN978-4-905421-60-3
第3巻 『岡山孤児院新報』第63号~第98号(1902~04年)
第4巻 『岡山孤児院新報』第99号~第122号(1905~06年)
第5巻 『岡山孤児院新報』第123号~第148号(1907~09年5月)
【画像・映像編】『岡山孤児院 写真・映像資料』全3巻
2015年6月刊行 定価60,000円+税 ISBN978-4-905421-64-1
第1巻 『岡山孤児院 写真アルバム』(画像)(1904~14年)
第2巻 『岡山孤児院写真画・記念写真帳』(画像) (1898~1922年)
第3巻 『明治時代の孤児院に於ける生活記録』(1905~10年頃の記録)(映像:24’50”)DVD
『岡山孤児院 写真・映像資料』総目次(PDF版)
『岡山孤児院 写真・映像資料』総目次(Word版)
The Complete Collection of Reprinted Documents of Okayama Orphanage
8 Volumes
Edited and reprinted in 2014-2015
¥185,000 (total cost for all volumes)
With commentary by Kojima Souichirou, Kikuchi Yoshiaki, Hosoi Isamu, Mikami Kunihiko, and Motomura Tomoaki
Edited by Kikuchi Yoshiaki, Hosoi Isamu, Mikami Kunihiko, and Motomura Tomoaki
Published by Rikka-Press
Okayama Orphanage was founded in 1887 by Ishii Juuji who was a young medical student. While he stayed in one small village in Okayama to regain his health, he met a little poor boy who needed help. Ishii began to take care of that boy. That was the beginning of Okayama Orphanage and also one of starting points of orphanages in Japan.
Ishii gave up continuing to study and made up his mind to accept all the children who needed care. In the 19th century there were so many children without families nor relatives who could raise them properly because of illness, bad crops, earth quakes, floods, disasters, and so on. So at one time there were 1,200 children from all over Japan living at Okayama Orphanage.
Ishii did not just accept children, but also fed them as much as they wanted and raised them educationally in an atmosphere like a real family. He thought that children would do no wrong if they ate enough. His thinking was called “Mampuku Shugi” which means being full and satisfied both physically and mentally.
Ishii organized a musical band by children and let them go to many other prefectures and sometimes they even went overseas to play at charity concerts.
In 1912, all the children in Okayama Orphanage moved to Chausubaru, Miyazaki prefecture, located on Kyusyu. That was Ishii’s hometown.
The grown up children cultivated tea fields and rice fields there.